Saturday, April 20, 2024

V+ 어/아/여. The informal speech form for ‘V+ 어/아/여요.’ in an imperative sentence

V+ 어/아/여. It is the informal speech form for ‘V+ 어요/아요/여요.’ in an imperative sentence. 과자 좀 그만 먹어. Stop eating cookies. 우빈아, 학교 갈 시간이야. 일어나. Woobin, it's...

V/A+ 어/아/여. The informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 어요/아요/여요.’

V/A+ 어/아/여. It is the informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 어요/아요/여요.’ in a declarative sentence. If the word ‘요’ is skipped, usually used as a...

V+ 을/ㄹ 거야. The informal speech form for ‘V+ 을/ㄹ 거예요.’

V+ 을/ㄹ 거야. It is the informal speech form for ‘V+ 을/ㄹ 거예요.’ in a declarative sentence. 살이 너무 쪄서 나는 오늘부터 저녁을 안 먹을 거야. I...

V+ 을/ㄹ 거야? The informal speech form for ‘V+ 을/ㄹ 거예요?’

V+ 을/ㄹ 거야? It is the informal speech form for ‘V+ 을/ㄹ 거예요?’ in an interrogative sentence. 점심에 뭐 먹을 거야? What are you going to have...

V/A+ 었어/았어/였어? The informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 었/았/였어요?’

V/A+ 었어/았어/였어? It is the informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 었어요/았어요/였어요?’ in an interrogative sentence. 작년 크리스마스 파티 때 친구에게 무슨 선물을 줬어? What kind of present...

V+ 자. The informal speech form for ‘V+ 읍시다/ㅂ시다.’

V+ 자. It is the informal speech form for ‘V+ 읍시다/ㅂ시다.’ in a suggestion sentence. 다음에 만나면 밥 한번 먹자. Let's eat together when we meet next...

V/A+ 었어/았어/였어. The informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 었/았/였어요.’

V/A+ 었어/았어/였어. It is the informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 었어요/았어요/였어요.’ in a declarative sentence. 방금 집에 왔어. I have just arrived home. 미안해. 내가 요즘 바빠서 연락을...

N이야/야? The informal speech form for ‘N이에요/예요?’

N이야/야? It is the informal speech form for ‘N이에요/예요?’ in an interrogative sentence. 가족이 몇 명이야? How many people are there in your family? 오늘이 무슨 요일이야? What day...

V/A+ 어/아/여? The informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 어요/아요/여요?’

V/A+ 어/아/여? It is the informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 어요/아요/여요?’ in an interrogative sentence. 여기에 와 본 적 있어? Have you come here before? 요즘 무슨 노래가...

N이야/야. The informal speech form for ‘N이에요/예요.’

N이야/야. It is the informal speech form for ‘N이에요/예요.’ in a declarative sentence. It is used between people with close relationships. When a noun ends in...
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