[Korean vocabulary] Body of a person (신체)

머리: head
이마: forehead
눈썹: eyebrow; eyelashes
속눈썹: eyelashes
눈: eye
귀: ear
코: nose
볼: cheek
입: mouth
입술: lips
이: tooth, teeth
혀: tongue
턱: chin, jaws
목: neck
어깨: shoulder
가슴: chest
등: back
배: abdomen; belly
배꼽: navel; belly button
허리: waist
팔: arm
손: hand
손가락: finger
엉덩이: butt; buttocks
다리: leg
무릎: knee
종아리: calf
발목: ankle
발: foot
발가락: toe
피부: skin
뇌: brain
심장: heart
간: liver
폐: lungs
피: blood
콩팥: kidney
뼈: bone
척추: spine; backbone
갈비: rib
위: stomach
소장: small intestine
대장: large intestine
항문: anus

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See also  Korean Idioms and Proverbs related to 눈 (eyes)

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