N도 Enumerate the same thing or similar one.


It is used with a noun to enumerate the same thing or a similar one.
저는 공무원이에요. 우리 언니 공무원이에요.
I am an officer. My elder sister is an officer, too.
제 방에 옷걸이가 없어요. 거울 없어요.
There is no hangar in my room. There is no mirror, either.
이것은 유양 씨의 열쇠예요. 저것유양 씨의 열쇠예요.
This is Ms. Yooyang’s key. That is Ms. Yooyang’s key, too.
우빈 씨는 여동생이 있어요?
Mr. Woobin, do you have a younger sister?
네, 있어요.
Yes, I have.
누나 있어요?
Do you have an elder sister, too?
네, 누나 있어요.
Yes, I have an older sister, too.
공무원 an officer
언니 an elder sister (It is used by a female speaker.)
옷걸이 a hanger
거울 a mirror
열쇠 a key


See also  V+ 어/아/여 가다

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