N에 V+ 으러/러 가요. Indicate the purpose of moving.

N V+ 으러/러 가요.

It is used in front of action verbs such as ‘가다 (go), 오다 (come)’ to indicate the purpose of moving.
When the action verb stem ends in a vowel, use ‘-러’, and when the action verb stem ends in a consonant, use ‘-으러’.
우빈 씨가 은행에 돈을 찾으러 가요.
Mr. Woobin is going to the bank to withdraw some money.
저는 극장에 공연을 보러 가요.
I am going to the theater to watch the performance.
동생은 학원에 피아노를 배우러 가요.
My younger brother is going to the academy to learn the piano.
어디에 가요?
Where are you going?
빵집에 케이크를 사러 가요.
I am going to the bakery to buy a cake.
누구 생일이에요?
Whose birthday is it?
오늘이 할머니 생신이에요. 그래서 파티를 해요.
Today is my grandmother’s birthday, so we are throwing a party.
Related words
빵집 a bakery
케이크 a cake
할머니 grandmother
생신 birthday
돈을 찾다 to withdraw some money
은행 a bank
극장 a theater
공연 a performance
학원 an academy


See also  V/A+ 냐 ...냐에 따라

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