[Let’s learn Korean culture] Don’t drink seaweed soup on an exam day
시험 보는 날 미역국은 안 돼요! Don’t drink miyeokguk (seaweed soup) on an exam day Korean people eat miyeokguk on their birthdays. However, there are also days when eating miyeokguk...
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시험 보는 날 미역국은 안 돼요! Don’t drink miyeokguk (seaweed soup) on an exam day Korean people eat miyeokguk on their birthdays. However, there are also days when eating miyeokguk...
문제 1. 무슨 공연을 하고 있습니까? 문제 2. 관객들이 어떻게 하고 있습니까? 왜 그런 것 같습니까? 문제 3. 여러분은 무슨 공연을 본 적이 있습니까? 그 공연이 어땠습니까?<Page 94> 1. 공연 Performances –...
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김밥을 만들어요 Let’s make kimbap When Korean people go on a picnic or are on a trip, the typical food that they prepare is kimbap. They sometimes make it at...
등산을 좋아해요 I like hiking Hiking is one of the recreational activities that Korean people like. Because 70% of Korea’s land is made up of big and small mountains, it...
몸으로 말해요 Talk through your body We can also communicate through body language without speaking. While there is body language that is universal to all people around the world, each...
택견과 태권도가 같아요? Are taekkyeon and taekwondo the same? Taekkyeon and taekwondo are both Korean martial arts. Both do not use weapons, but are practiced using bare hands. Taekkyeon was...
버스나 지하철을 타요 Take either the bus or the subway In big cities, such as Seoul, Busan, or Daegu, etc, there is a subway. People use the subway a lot...
세종대왕이 한글을 만들었어요 Sejong the Great invented the Korean alphabet (Hangeul) In Korea, the ninth of October is Hangeul day (the Korean alphabet day). The original name of the Korean...
5월 15일은 스승의 날이에요 The fifteenth of May is Teachers’ day In your country, is there a day when you show appreciation to teachers? In Korea, they designate the fifteenth...
어버이날에는 카네이션을 드려요 We give carnations on Parents’ day In Korea, Parents’ day falls on the eighth of August. It’s the day to show appreciation and give thanks to parents....
“Korean for Overseas Koreans (English)” is a textbook for students at Hangeul schools located in English-speaking countries. Based on the textbook “Korean for Overseas Koreans” which was published in 2015,...
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축구가 재미있어요 Soccer is fun Soccer is a sport that Korean people like. While Koreans watch a soccer game and when they cheer for their team, they wear a red...