V/A+ 지 않아도 돼요. Give permission not to do something or not to be in a certain state

늦어서 미안해요. 교통사고가 나서 늦었어요.
Sorry, I’m late. I’m late because I had a traffic accident.
다친 데는 없어요? 병원에 가야 되는 거 아니에요?
Weren’t you hurt? Don’t you have to go to the hospital?
괜찮아요. 병원에 가지 않아도 돼요.
It’s OK. I don’t have to go to the hospital.
교통사고가 어떻게 났는데요?
How did the traffic accident happen?
어떤 차가 갑자기 제 차 앞으로 끼어들었어요.
A certain car suddenly cut in front of my car.
많이 놀랐겠네요.
You must have been so surprised.
V/A+ 지 않아도 돼요.
It is used to give permission not to do something or not to be in a certain state. The short form is ‘안 V/A+ 어요/아도/여도 돼요.‘. ’N이/가 아니어도 돼요.‘ is used after a noun.
배부르면 다 먹지 않아도 돼요. 남겨도 돼요.
You don’t have to eat them all if you are full. You can leave them.
보고서를 오늘까지 내지 않아도 돼요.
You don’t have to submit the report by today.
저는 혼자 사니까 방이 크지 않아도 돼요.
The room doesn’t have to be big since I live alone.
Related words
교통사고가 나다 to have a traffic accident
다치다 to be hurt
어떤 certain
갑자기 suddenly
끼어들다 to cut (in), to interfere
놀라다 to be surprised

See also  V+ 는 한

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