V/A+ 으면/면 V/A+ 을/ㄹ 거예요.
You use this expression to mean such a result in the following clause is expected when one does the behavior mentioned in the preceding clause or under the condition mentioned in the preceding clause.
For ‘-으면/면’, if the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb ends with a vowel or ‘ㄹ’, you use ‘-면’, with another consonant, you should use ‘-으면’.
For ‘-을/ㄹ 거예요’, if the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb, you should use ‘-ㄹ 거예요’, with another consonant, you use ‘-을 거예요’.
이 화장품을 눈가에 꾸준히 바르면 주름이 완화될 거예요.
Applying this makeup steadily around your eyes will relieve wrinkles.
밤에 라면을 먹으면 내일 아침 얼굴이 잔뜩 부을 거야.
If you eat ramen at night, your face will swell up a lot tomorrow morning.
문제가 어려우면 풀다가 포기하는 학생들도 많을 거예요.
If the question is difficult, many students will give up while solving it.
김밥을 만드는데 잘 안 돼. 알면 좀 가르쳐 줘.
I’m trying to make gimbap and it doesn’t go well. Please teach me if you know how to.
네가 김밥을 만든다고? 대단한데. 만드는 방법은 어디서 배웠어?
Are you making gimbap? That’s great. Where did you learn how to make it?
인터넷 동영상을 따라 해 봤지. 그런데 보는 것만큼 쉽지 않네.
I’ve been following the video on the internet. But it’s not as easy as it looks.
김에 밥과 재료들을 너무 많이 넣은 거 아니야?
Don’t you think you put too much rice and ingredients inside the seaweed?
난 속에 들어가는 재료가 푸짐한 걸 좋아해서 많이 넣었는데.
I put a lot of ingredients in it because I like them those be plentiful.
김밥은 재료가 많으면 말기 힘들어.
It’s hard to roll gimbap with a lot of ingredients.
우선 재료를 적당히 넣고 힘을 주어서 꾹꾹 눌러가면서 말아야 해.
You should put the ingredients in a proper amount first, and roll it with strength pressing hard.
처음엔 좀 어렵지만 몇 번 해 보면 요령이 생길 거야.
It’s a little hard at first, but you will get the hang of it after a few tries.
Related words
푸짐하다 to be plentiful
말다 to roll
꾹꾹 hard
요령 know-how
Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute