Korean Grammar In Use (Beginner)
There are Korean Grammar in Use (Beginner) online lessons based on the ‘Korean Grammar in Use’ book. You can keep track of your study or search for the grammar you...
Free online Korean lessons, KIIP program
There are Korean Grammar in Use (Beginner) online lessons based on the ‘Korean Grammar in Use’ book. You can keep track of your study or search for the grammar you...
모기가 물어서 눈이 부었어요.(붓다) A mosquito bit me, so my eye became swollen. 컵에 커피와 크림, 설탕을 넣고 저어요.(젓다) I put coffee, cream, and sugar in the cup and stir...
백설공주는 머리는 까맣고 피부는 하얘요. Snow White has black hair and a white complexion. 왕비는 백설 공주에게 빨간 사과를 줬어요. The queen gave Snow White a red apple. 왕자는 크고...
댄 씨는 노래를 잘 불러서 인기가 많아요. (부르다) Dane is popular because he can sing well. 출근 시간에는 지하철이 버스보다 빨라요.(빠르다) The subway is faster than the bus during rush...
음악을 들으면서 운동해요. I listen to music when I exercise. 돈이 없어서 걸어서 갔어요. I had no money, so I went by foot. 그 여자에게 전화번호를 물어봤어요. I asked her...
커피가 뜨거우니까 조심하세요. The coffee’s hot, so be careful. 날씨가 추워서 집에 있었어요. It’s cold outside, so I stayed home. 저는 매운 음식을 좋아해요. I like spicy food. Grammar Focus:...
아이가 혼자서 잘 놉니다. The girl plays well by herself. 백화점이 몇 시에 여는지 알고 싶어요. I’d like to know what time the department store opens. 지금 만드는 게 뭐예요?...
민우 씨는 요즘 많이 바빠요. Minu is really busy these days. 불 좀 꺼 주세요. Please turn off the lights. 배가 고파요. (I’m) hungry. Grammar Focus: For verb and adjective...
요코 씨는 한국어가 재미있대요. Yoko said Korean is interesting. 티루엔 씨는 다음 달에 결혼한대요. Tiluen said she’s getting married next month. 웨슬리 씨는 저녁에 전화하래요. Wesley said to call this...
민우 씨가 저에게 정말 아름답다고 했어요. Minu said I was really beautiful. 하영 씨가 저에게 사랑한다고 그랬어요. Hayeong said she loves me. 민우 씨가 결혼하자고 했어요. Minu said we should...
에디슨은 “실패는 성공의 어머니입니다.” 라고 했어요. To paraphrase Edison, “Failure is the mother of success.” 예수님은 “서로 사랑하세요.”라고 말씀했어요. Jesus said, “Love each other.” 부디 씨는 “문제가 너무 어려워.” 하고...
저는 재미있는데요. I think it’s interesting. 민우 씨는 지금 자리에 없는데요. Minu is not at his desk right now. 정말 높은데요! We’re really high up! Usage: 1. -(으)ㄴ/는데요 is used...
한국 친구가 많은가요? Do you have a lot of Korean friends? 나를 사랑하나요? Do you love me? 주말에 재미있게 보내셨나요? Did you have a pleasant weekend? Grammar Focus: -(으)ㄴ가요? and...
벌써 여름이네요. Wow, it’s already summer. 가족이 많네요. You certainly have a large family. 글씨를 잘 쓰네요. You really have good handwriting. 책을 많이 읽었네요. You really have read a...
아이 스크림을 좋아하는군요. You really like ice cream! 눈이 나쁘군요. Your vision is bad indeed. 감기에 걸렸군요. I see you’ve caught a cold. Grammar Focus: -군요/는군요 is used to express...
중국 사람이지요? You’re Chinese, right? 불고기가 맛있지요? Isn’t bulgogi tasty? 한국어를 배우지요? You study Korean, don’t you? Grammar Focus: -지요? is used when the speaker wants to confirm with the...
운전을 배우는 데 두 달 걸렸어요. It took (me) two months to learn to drive. 숙제하는 데 한 시간 걸려요. It took (me) an hour to finish my homework. 차를...
명동에 어떻게 가는지 알아요? Do you know how to get to Myeongdong? 저 분이 누구인지 모르겠어요. I don’t know who that person is. 어제 무엇을 했는지 생각이 안 나요. I...
요리를 잘하게 되었어요. I became good at cooking. 축구를 좋아하게 되었어요. I came to like soccer. 외국으로 출장을 가게 됐어요. (It’s been decided) I will go abroad on a business...
풍선이 커졌어요. The balloon became bigger. 언니가 날씬해졌어요. My elder sister became thinner. 피노키오는 거짓말을 하면 코가 길어져요. Pinocchio’s nose grows longer when he tells a lie. Grammar Focus: -아/어지다...