N에게 Show that the noun is the object of the action



It is attached to a noun for people or animals to show that the noun is the object of the action. Use ‘에’ for things.
오빠에게 선물을 주고 싶습니다.
I would like to give a present to my elder brother.
친구에게 편지를 썼어요.
I wrote a letter to my friend.
강아지에게 초콜릿을 주지 마십시오.
Don’t give a dog some chocolate.
무엇을 찾으세요?
What are you looking for?
여자 친구에게 향수를 선물하고 싶어요.
I would like to buy my girlfriend perfume as a gift.
여자 친구분이 무슨 향을 좋아하세요?
What fragrance does your girlfriend like?
장미 향을 좋아해요.
Related words
찾다 to look for
선물하다 to give a present
-분 It is used to honor the attached noun.
장미 a rose
편지 a letter
강아지 a dog, a puppy
초콜릿 chocolate


See also  A+ 다고 해요(했어요). An expression of indirect speech for 'A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다.‘


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