[Let’s learn Korean culture] Korean public holidays
오늘은 공휴일이에요 Today is a public holiday If you look at a calendar, there are days that are marked in red, but are not Sundays. Those days marked with red...
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오늘은 공휴일이에요 Today is a public holiday If you look at a calendar, there are days that are marked in red, but are not Sundays. Those days marked with red...
장래 희망이 뭐예요? What is your dream career? According to the results of a recent survey about “dream career” that targeted Korean elementary, middle, and high school students, approximately 70%...
여름에 어떤 음식을 먹어요? What do they eat in the summer? Samgyetang (Korean chicken soup) is a common Korean summer food. In order for Korean people to overcome the heat...
병원에 가기 쉬워요 Seeing a doctor is easy When Korean people get sick, they can see a doctor easily. Because there are many clinics in each district, it is possible...
가족 캠핑이 유행이에요 Family camping is popular Nowadays, family camping, where you take a trip with your family, is getting popular, specifically among people who live in cities. Many of...
비 오는 날 The rainy day In Korea, there is a monsoon season. The monsoon season usually lasts from June to July, and the duration ranges from 2 to 3...
길거리 음식을 소개할게요 Let me introduce street food In Korea, one can see a lot of small stalls around the streets where there are lots of passersby or places that...
한국어에는 한자어가 많아요 Many Korean words written in Chinese characters Many Korean words are Chinese-based words, and the rest are genuine native words. Because of that, if one knows Chinese...
전통 시장에 가 보세요 Visit a traditional market A place where many small stores are clustered together is called a traditional market. Nowadays because big supermarkets or discount stores pop...
시험 보는 날 미역국은 안 돼요! Don’t drink miyeokguk (seaweed soup) on an exam day Korean people eat miyeokguk on their birthdays. However, there are also days when eating miyeokguk...
무궁화 꽃이 피었어요 Mugunghwa (Hibiscus) bloomed Mugunghwa is the flower of South Korea. Its height is approximately 2-4 meters, and the flowers bloom between July and October. There are about...
쓰레기는 쓰레기봉투에 버려요 Dispose of your garbage in a garbage bag In Korea, they use a volume-based disposal system. This volume-based system is a system where garbage collection fees are...
옛날에도 시계가 있었어요 There were also clocks in the past To tell time, the very first device people used was the sun dial. A sun dial is a system that...
웃어른께 높임말을 써요 Koreans use honorific expressions for elders When you talk to older people in Korean, how do you speak?In Korea, the culture that shows respect to older people...
노약자에게 자리를 양보해요 Let’s yield seats to the elderly and the weak On the bus or subway, there are seats for the elderly and the weak. These are seats for...
지폐 속의 인물은 누구일까요? Who are the characters on the banknotes? There are four types of Korean bank notes: 1,000 won, 5,000 won, 10,000 won, and 50,000 won. On the...
등산을 좋아해요 I like hiking Hiking is one of the recreational activities that Korean people like. Because 70% of Korea’s land is made up of big and small mountains, it...
김밥을 만들어요 Let’s make kimbap When Korean people go on a picnic or are on a trip, the typical food that they prepare is kimbap. They sometimes make it at...
몸으로 말해요 Talk through your body We can also communicate through body language without speaking. While there is body language that is universal to all people around the world, each...
택견과 태권도가 같아요? Are taekkyeon and taekwondo the same? Taekkyeon and taekwondo are both Korean martial arts. Both do not use weapons, but are practiced using bare hands. Taekkyeon was...