Friday, April 26, 2024

[Korean grammar] V-아/어 있다 Expressions of State

선생님이 서 있어요. The teacher is standing. 학생들이 앉아 있어요. The students are sitting. 환자들이 병원에 누워 있어요. The patients are lying down in the hospital. 우산에 이름이 써 있어요. His...

[Korean grammar] V-고 있다② Expressions of State

목걸이와 귀걸이를 하고 있어요. I’m wearing a necklace and earrings. 블라우스를 입고 있어요. I’m wearing a blouse. 치마를 입고 있어요. I’m wearing a skirt. 부츠를 신고 있어요. I’m wearing boots. 안경을 쓰고/끼고...

[Korean grammar] A-아/어하다 Changes in Parts of Speech

아이들이 배고파해요. The children are hungry. 요즘 아버지가 피곤해하세요. Recently, my father has been tired. 아이가 심심해해요. The child is bored. Grammar Focus: -아/어하다 is added to the end of some...

[Korean grammar] A-게 Changes in Parts of Speech

머리를 짧게 잘랐어요. I cut my hair short. 오늘 아침에 늦게 일어났어요. I woke up late today. 크게 읽으세요. Please read it loudly. Grammar Focus: -게 functions as an adverb in...

[Korean grammar] A/V-기 Changes in Parts of Speech

한국말을 공부하기가 어려워요. Studying Korean is difficult. 제 취미는 요리하기예요. My hobby is cooking. 다리가 아파서 걷기가 힘들어요. My legs hurt, so walking is hard. Grammar Focus: -기 functions to turn...

[Korean grammar] 관형형 -(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N: Changes in Parts of Speech

가방이 예뻐요. 그 가방을 사고 싶어요. That purse is pretty. I want to buy that purse. 一> 예쁜 가방을 사고 싶어요. I want to buy a pretty...

[Korean grammar] A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것 같다 Conjecture

어제 비가 온 것 같아요. (It) looks like it rained yesterday. 지금 비가 오는 것 같아요. (It) looks like it’s raining right now. 비가 올 것 같아요. (It) looks...

[Korean grammar] A/V-(으)ㄹ까요? ③ Conjecture

주말에 날씨가 더울까요? Do you think the weather will be hot this weekend? 캐럴 씨가 오늘 나올까요? Will Carol show up today? 댄 씨가 이 책을 읽었을까요? Do you...

[Korean grammar] A/V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 ② Conjecture

그 옷을 입으면 더울 거예요. You’ll be hot if you wear that. 하영 씨에게는 보라색 티셔츠가 잘 어울릴 거예요. I think Hayeong will look good in a...

[Korean grammar] A/V-겠어요 ② Conjecture

와, 맛있겠어요. Wow, that looks delicious. 저 포스터를 보세요. 재미있겠어요! Look at that poster. It looks interesting! 시원하겠어요. That looks refreshing. Grammar Focus: -겠어요 is an expression of supposition about a...
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