V/A+ 으면/면 돼요.

팬클럽에 가입하려고 하는데 어떻게 해야 해요?
What should I do to join the fan club?
인터넷으로 회비를 내고 가입하면 돼요.
It’s OK for you to pay the membership fee online and join it.
팬클럽에 가입하면 뭐가 좋아요?
What is good if I join the fan club?
콘서트 할 때 먼저 예매할 수 있어요.
You can reserve tickets for the concerts prior to others.
그런데 팬클럽 회원 중에서 제가 제일 나이가 많을 것 같아요.
By the way, I might be the oldest among the fan club members.
아니에요. 요즘에는 나이가 많은 팬들도 꽤 많아요.
No, you are not. These days, there are quite a lot of old-aged fans.
V/A+ 으면/면 돼요.
It is used to indicate any condition or action is sufficient or the problem is solved by that condition or action.
소고기가 없어도 돼지고기가 있으니까 돼지고기를 넣으면 돼요.
It’s OK to put in pork since we have some pork though we don’t have beef.
서점에 찾는 책이 없으면 도서관에서 빌리면 돼요.
Though the bookstore doesn’t have the book that you are looking for, it’s OK that you can borrow it from the library.
집이 크지 않아도 편하면 돼요.
It’s OK that the house is comfortable though it’s not big.
Related words
팬클럽 a fan club
가입하다 to join
회비 a membership fee
팬 a fan
꽤 quite
소고기 beef

See also  V/A + 었더라면/았더라면/였더라면

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