V/A+ (으)니까¹ V+ 읍시다/ㅂ시다.

V/A+ 으니까/니까¹ V+ 읍시다/ㅂ시다.

It is used to show that the former clause is the reason for the judgment expressed in the latter clause of the sentence for suggestion.

When the verb stem ends in a consonant, use ‘-으니까’, when ends in a vowel, use ‘-니까’. When the noun comes, use ‘이니까’.
제가 매운 음식을 못 먹으니까 다른 음식을 먹읍시다.
I can’t eat spicy food, so let’s eat something else.
요즘 날씨가 좋으니까 가까운 곳으로 소풍을 갑시다.
The weather is fine these days, so let’s go on a picnic nearby.
차가 밀리니까 지하철을 탑시다.
The roads are heavily jammed, so let’s take the subway.
다음 달에 제가 좋아하는 가수가 콘서트를 해요.
Next month, there will be a concert by a singer I like.
그래요? 같이 갈까요?
Really? Shall we go together?
좋아요. 그 가수의 콘서트는 인기가 많으니까 빨리 예매합시다.
OK. That singer’s concert is really popular, so let’s hurry and book the tickets.
네, 그럽시다.
Yes, let’s do that.
Related words
다음 달 next month
인기 popularity
소풍 a picnic
차가 밀리다 to be jammed


See also  V/A+ 다가도

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