___ 때문이다 Indicate the cause of the foregoing.

___ 때문이다

It is used to indicate the cause of the foregoing.
서연 씨가 남자 친구와 헤어진 것은 성격 차이 때문이에요?
Is it because of personality differences that Ms. Seoyon broke up with her boyfriend?
그 식당에 항상 사람이 많은 것은 거기가 유명한 맛집이기 때문입니다.
There are always many people in that restaurant because it is a famous restaurant.
저는 짠 음식을 많이 안 먹어요. 왜냐하면 건강에 나쁘기 때문이에요.
I don’t eat much salty food because it is bad for my health.
안색이 안 좋네요.
You don’t look good.
감기 때문이에요. 그런데 할 일이 많아서 걱정이에요.
It’s because of a cold. So I am worried because I have so much work to do.
과로하지 마세요. 병원에 갔어요?
Don’t overwork yourself. Have you been to the hospital?
아니요, 이따가 병원에 가려고 해요.
No, I will go to the hospital later.
Related words
과로하다 to overwork oneself
헤어지다 to break up with
차이 a difference
맛집 a famous restaurant
싱겁다 to be unsalted, to be flat
짜다 to be salty
왜냐하면 because


See also  V/A+ 는다는/ㄴ다는/다는 점에서

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