N이기 때문에 The characteristic of a noun in a preceding clause is the cause or reason of the latter clause.

N이기 때문에

It is used to indicate that the characteristic of a noun in a preceding clause is the cause or reason of the latter clause. It cannot be used in an imperative or suggestion sentence.
지금은 휴가철이기 때문에 비행기 표가 비싸요.
Airplane tickets are expensive because it is the holiday season now.
오늘은 토요일이기 때문에 공원에 사람이 많습니다.
There are a lot of people at the park because today is Saturday.
이 차는 중고차이기 때문에 고장이 자주 나요.
This car often gets out of order because it is a used car.
어제부터 머리가 아프고 콧물이 나네요.
I have had a headache and a runny nose since yesterday.
감기 아니에요?
Isn’t it a cold?
그저께 얇은 옷을 입고 외출해서 감기에 걸린 것 같아요.
I think I have caught a cold because I went out in thin clothes.
요즘 환절기이기 때문에 감기에 걸린 사람이 많아요.
There are many people who have caught a cold because of the seasonal change these days.
Related words
콧물이 나다 to have a runny nose
감기 a cold
그저께 the day before yesterday
얇다 to be thin
외출하다 to go out
환절기 a seasonal change
휴가철 a holiday season
비행기 an airplane
a car
중고차 a used car


See also  V+ 어지다/아지다/여지다(피동)

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