V/A+ 었/았/였을 때 Indicate the event in the latter clause occurs when the event in the preceding clause is completed.

V/A+ 었/았/였을 때

It is used to indicate the event in the latter clause occurs when the event in the preceding clause is completed.
감기에 걸렸을 때 따뜻한 차를 드세요.
Please drink warm tea when you catch a cold.
남자 친구를 처음 만났을 때 첫인상이 어땠어요?
What was your first impression of your boyfriend when you first met him?
다이어트에 성공했을 때 제일 기뻤어요.
I was happiest when I succeeded in losing weight.
이건 무슨 사진이에요?
What is this picture?
프랑스에 여행을 갔을 때 찍은 사진이에요.
It is a picture that I took when I went on a trip to France.
경치가 참 아름답네요.
The scenery is so beautiful.
그렇지요? 또 가고 싶어요.
Is it so? I want to go there again.
Related words
이건 this (It is the short form for ‘이것은’.)
프랑스 France
첫인상 the first impression
다이어트 losing weight
성공하다 to succeed
기쁘다 to be happy

See also  N에 N이/가 있어요?

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