N처럼 Indicate a similarity to the noun in front of ‘처럼’.

축하해요. 돌잔치에 초대해 주셔서 감사드려요.
Congratulations. Thank you for inviting me to your baby’s first birthday party.
바쁘신데 이렇게 와 주셔서 감사합니다.
Thanks for coming through you are busy.
아기가 정말 인형처럼 예쁘네요.
The baby looks really pretty as a doll.
다행히 저를 안 닮고 엄마를 많이 닮았어요.
Fortunately, she looks after her mother, not me.
아빠도 많이 닮았는데요. 아기가 어떤 사람이 되기를 바라세요?
Well, she looks after you, too. What kind of person do you want your baby to become?
그냥 건강하게 잘 자라 줬으면 좋겠어요.
I just want her to grow up healthy.

It is used to indicate a similarity to the noun in front of ‘처럼’.

경치가 그림처럼 아름다워요.
The scenery is beautiful like a picture.

그 외국 사람은 한국 사람처럼 한국말을 잘했어요.
That foreigner was speaking the Korean language so well like a Korean.

제 친구는 천사처럼 착해요.
My friend is kind of like an angel.

Related words
돌잔치 a first birthday party
다행히 fortunately, luckily
닮다 to look after, to resemble
건강하다 to be healthy
자라다 to grow (up)
천사 an angel

See also  N에 비해서 Indicate the noun is the object of comparison

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