N을/를 가지고 Indicate the noun is the means or tools of action.

나 퀴즈 대회에 나가서 1등 했어.
I participated in the quiz competition and won the first prize.
정말? 축하해. 얼마 동안 준비했어?
Really? Congratulations. How long have you prepared?
한 여섯 달 준비했어.
I have prepared for about six months.
정말 대단하다. 상금도 받았어?
It’s awesome. Did you receive any prize money?
응, 생각보다 많이 받았어. 그 상금을 가지고 여행 갈 거야.
Yes, it was more than I expected. I will go traveling with the prize money.
좋겠다. 한턱낼 거지?
It sounds wonderful. You will give me a treat, won’t you?

N을/를 가지고
It is used to indicate the noun in front of ‘을/를 가지고‘ is the means or tools of action.

저는 지금까지 쌓은 경험을 가지고 열심히 일해 보고 싶어요.
I want to work hard with the experiences that I have accumulated so far.

저는 어렸을 때 여러 가지 장난감을 가지고 놀았어요.
I used to play with various kinds of toys when I was young.

이 치즈를 가지고 피자를 만드세요.
Please make a pizza with this cheese.

Related words
퀴즈 a quiz
대회에 나가다 to participate in a competition
등 a rank
대단하다 to be awesome
상금 prize money
생각보다 than I expected
경험을 쌓다 to accumulate experience
장난감 a toy
치즈 cheese

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