V+ 어야겠어요/아야겠어요/여야겠어요.

이거 새로 산 코트예요?
Is this a new coat you have bought this time?
네, 어때요?
Yes, how is it?
잘 어울려요. 그런데 소매가 좀 긴 것 같은데요.
It looks good on you. But the sleeves look a bit long.
그렇지요? 수선을 맡겨야겠어요.
Are they so? I should have them repaired.
구입한 매장에 맡기면 바로 수선을 해 줄 거예요.
If you go to the shop where you bought them, they will fix them right away.
이따가 퇴근하고 들러야겠어요.
I will stop by later after work.

V+ 어야겠어요/아야겠어요/여야겠어요.
It is used to indicate the speaker’s strong intention or objective to do something.

날씨가 추워졌으니까 옷을 따뜻하게 입어야겠어요.
Since the weather has gotten cold, I should wear warm clothes.

차가 밀리니까 지하철을 타야겠어요.
I should take the subway because of the traffic.

연말에는 손님이 많으니까 미리 식당 예약을 해야겠어요.
Since there are many customers during the year-end, I should reserve a restaurant in advance.

Related words
코트 a coat
수선 a repair
구입하다 to buy, to purchase
매장 a shop
들르다 to stop by
연말 a year-end

See also  N이/가 몇 N 있어요?

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