V+ 는 데다가, A+ 은/ㄴ 데다가


핸드폰이 좀 이상해서 왔는데요.
I am here because my cellphone is a bit strange.
어떤 문제가 있으십니까?
What problems do you have?
소리가 잘 안 들리는 데다가 갑자기 전화가 끊어져요.
The sound is not heard very well and adds the phone is suddenly cut off.
언제부터 그랬습니까?
Since when has it been like that?
한 일주일 전부터 그런 것 같아요.
It’s been like that since about a week ago.
제가 한번 보겠습니다. 혹시 핸드폰을 떨어뜨린 적이 있으세요?
Let me look at it. By the way, have you dropped the cellphone?

V+ 는 데다가
A+ 은/ㄴ 데다가

It is used to add other actions or states to something in the preceding clause.

‘-는 데다가‘ is used after an action verb stem. When a descriptive verb stem ends in a consonant, use ‘-은 데다가’ and when it ends in a vowel, use ‘-ㄴ 데다가‘. ’인 데다가‘ is used after a noun.

열이 나는 데다가 기침도 많이 해요.
I have a fever and additionally I cough a lot.

그 회사는 월급이 적은 데다가 일도 많아요.
The company’s salary is small and additionally, it gives you a lot of workloads.

새 집은 월세가 싼 데다가 교통이 편리해서 좋아요.
I like the new house because its monthly rent is cheap and additionally the traffic is convenient.

Related words
이상하다 to be strange
들리다 to be heard
전화가 끊어지다 (phone) to be cut off
떨어뜨리다 to drop
열이 나다 to have a fever
기침 cough
적다 to be small, to below

See also  V/A+ 기라도 하면


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