[Let’s learn Korean culture] Korea’s famous food, what is it?
한국의 유명한 음식은 뭐예요? Korea’s famous food, what is it? Korea’s representative foods are bulgogi and kimchi. Koreans make bulgogi with beef and eat it on special days, but they...
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한국의 유명한 음식은 뭐예요? Korea’s famous food, what is it? Korea’s representative foods are bulgogi and kimchi. Koreans make bulgogi with beef and eat it on special days, but they...
태권도를 배워 봐요 Let’s learn Taekwondo Taekwondo is a sport that was first developed in Korea. Taekwondo is a sport that uses the hands and feet, that anyone can learn...
설날에 무엇을 해요? What do people do on (Korean) New Year’s Day? (Korean) New Year, which is a major holiday in Korea, is the first day of the first lunar...
한국에는 사계절이 있어요 In Korea, there are four seasons In Korea, there are four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. In the Spring, the weather is warm and flowers bloom....
생일에 먹는 특별한 음식이 있어요? Is there special food to have on birthdays? In Korea, most of people have seaweed soup on their birthdays. It’s said that when a mommy...
몇 살이에요? How old are you? In Korea, the method of calculating age differs a bit from (that of) other countries. In Korea, as soon as a baby is born,...
한국의 교실은 어떻게 생겼어요? What do classrooms in Korea look like? The picture above is a classroom from a Korean elementary school. Classrooms have desks and chairs that are next...
가족들을 어떻게 불러요? What do you call your family members? In Korea, children call their parents “아빠 (dad)” and “엄마 (mom)” or “아버지 (father)” and “어머니 (mother).” When talking to...
이름이 뭐예요? What’s your name? Korean names generally consist of 3 letters such as “박지영”, or “김민수”. The first letter, for example, 박 is the last name and the remaining...
어떻게 인사할까요? How should we greet each other? In Korea, people slightly bow to one another and say, “안녕하세요?”, which means “Hi, Hello, or Good morning/afternoon/evening”. When friends greet each...
<Page 84> 1. 고장 관련 어휘: Breakdown related vocabulary – 전구가 나가다: to have the light bulb burned out, for the light bulb to go out– 변기가 막히다: to have the toilet...
<Page 74> 1. 축제 관련 어휘: Festival related vocabulary– 축제를 하다: to throw a festival, to hold a festival– 영화제를 하다: to hold a film festival– 전시회를 하다: to hold an...
<Page 64> Income and expense 수입: Income– 월급 salary; monthly wage– 보너스 Bonus– 아르바이트비 Part time job payment– 연금: Pension 지출: Expense– 식비 food expenses– 교통비 transportation expense, fare– 의료비: medical expenses – 교육비 educational...
<Page 54>1. 주택 관련 어휘: House related vocabulary 주거 유형: Housing type– 아파트: apartment– 빌라: Villa– 원룸: one room, studio (a house in which one room functions as a bedroom, living...
<Page 44> 어휘 1. 성격 Personality– 외향적이다: to be extroverted, to be outgoing– 내성적이다: to be introverted– 직설적이다: to be straightforward– 소극적이다: To be passive (To lack the will to do something...
<Page 34> 어휘1. 공문서 관련 어휘 Official documents related vocabulary 외국인등록증(Blue Card) Alien registration card앞면 The front side➊ 외국인등록번호, 성별 Foreign registration number, gender➋ 이름 Name➌ 여권상 국적 Nationality in one’s passport➍ 체류자격: 결혼이민(F-6) status of residence: marriage...
문제 1. 손님 초대 음식으로 무엇을 준비했습니까? 문제 2. 이 상차림에 어떤 음식을 더 준비하면 어울릴까요? 왜 그렇게 생각합니까?문제 3. 여러분이 자주 만드는 음식, 자주 먹는 음식은 어떤 종류입니까?<Page 24...
<Page 14> 1. 가족 관계: Family relations친가: one’s father’s side– 할아버지: grandfather– 할머니: grandmother– 고모부: uncle by marriage (the word used to refer to or address the husband of a paternal...
<Page 201> 1. 속담 adage (old saying, proverb)호랑이도 제 말하면 온다: Talk of the Devil and he is sure to appear (It’s used when someone shows up after having just talked about him or...
<Page 192> 1/질서, 규칙과 관련된 어휘 •질서를 지키다; 규칙을 지키다 to keep (public) order; to keep a rule•질서를 어기다/ 위반하다; 규칙을 어기다/ 위반하다 to violate (public) order ; to break a...