과연 V/A+ 을까요/ㄹ까요?

과연 V/A+ 을까요/ㄹ까요?

It is used to doubt and question the possibility of certain facts or behavior.

If the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb ends with a vowel or ‘ㄹ’, you use ‘-ㄹ까요?’, with another consonant you use ‘-을까요?’.

그 정도 실력으로 그 사람이 과연 시험에 합격할 수 있을까요?
Will he ever pass the exam with that level of skill?

과연 이 사건의 범인이 잡힐까요?
Do you think the suspect in this case will ever be caught?

우주의 비밀을 완벽히 알아낸다는 것이 과연 가능할까?
Would it be really possible to find out the secrets of the universe completely?


그거 요즘 많이 광고하는 건강 보조제네요. 사시려고요?
That’s the health supplement that comes out in advertisements a lot these days. Are you going to buy it?

네, 한번 먹어 볼까 생각 중이었어요.
Yes, I was thinking about eating it.

과연 효과가 있을까요? 저는 에스앤에스(SNS)에서 광고하는 건 별로 믿음이 안 가던데.
Will it work? I don’t really believe in advertisements on SNS.

에스앤에스(SNS)에서 하도 광고를 해서 호기심이 생기더라고요.
I got curious because they did so many ads on SNS.

그런 건강 보조제는 잘못 먹으면 건강을 해칠 수도 있어요.
Your health might get hurt if you take such supplements wrong.

그렇겠지요? 사실 부작용도 조금 걱정되기는 해요.
That’s right, huh? Actually, I’m a little worried about the side effects, too.

아무래도 병원에서 의사와 상의하고 처방을 받는 게 좋을 것 같아요.
I think you’d better talk to a doctor and get a prescription at the hospital.

알겠어요. 역시 이건 사지 말아야겠어요.
Okay. I should not buy this, as expected.

Related words
믿음이 가다 to be trustworthy
하도 so much
호기심 curiosity
상의 consultation, having a talk about something

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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