무슨 N__? Ask a question about the sort of the noun.

무슨 N__?

‘무슨’ is used in front of a noun to ask a question about the sort of the noun.
이것은 무슨 차예요?
What tea is this?
무슨 음식이 맛있어요?
What food is delicious?
무슨 음악을 자주 들어요?
What music do you often listen to?
우빈 씨는 무슨 영화를 좋아해요?
Mr. Woobin, what movies do you like?
저는 공포 영화를 좋아해요.
I like horror movies.
코미디 영화는 어때요?
How about comedies?
그것도 좋아해요.
I like them, too.
공포 영화 a horror movie
코미디 영화 a comedy movie
음식 food
맛있다 to be delicious


See also  N에⁴ N Indicate the noun attached to it is a measuring basis for price or calculation.

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