안 V+ 어/아/여 봤어요. Indicate no prior attempt or experience of trying something.

V+ 어/아/여 봤어요.

It is used to indicate no prior attempt or experience of trying something.
저는 선물을 아직 어 봤어요.
I haven’t opened the gift yet.
제가 가방 안은 아 봤어요.
I haven’t searched the inside of the bag yet.
저는 낚시를 안 해 봤어요.
I haven’t tried fishing yet.
헬스클럽에서 운동해 보셨어요?
Have you exercised at a fitness club?
아니요, 운동을 안 해 봤어요. 여기 시설이 좋아서 오늘 등록하려고요.
No, I haven’t exercised. Here the facility is good, so I would like to register myself today.
잘 생각하셨습니다. 다른 회원분이 소개하셔서 10퍼센트 할인됩니다.
It’s a good idea. You get a 10% discount because of the reference from another member.
잘됐네요. 등록비가 비싸서 좀 걱정했어요.
It’s good. I was a bit worried because the registration fee is expensive.
Related words
등록하다 to register
퍼센트(%) a percentage
할인되다 to get a discount
등록비 a registration fee
낚시 fishing


See also  V/A+ 는대도/ㄴ대도/대도 (Abbreviation of -는다고 해도)

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