어찌나 V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지

특별 전시회부터 볼까요? 이번 주부터 고려 시대 전시회를 한다던데요.
Shall we start with the special exhibition? I heard that the exhibition of the Goryeo Dynasty starts this week.
고려 시대의 청자가 유명하다고 하던데 실제로 보면 어떤 느낌일지 궁금해요.
People say that the celadon of the Goryeo Dynasty is famous I wonder how would I feel after seeing it.
저쪽에 고려청자가 있으니까 같이 한번 볼까요?
The Goryeo celadon is over there, shall we take a look?
청자의 무늬 좀 보세요. 학과 구름이 청자의 빛깔과 조화를 이루고 있어요.
Look at the pattern of the celadon. The crane and the cloud harmonize with the color of the celadon.
어찌나 생동감 있게 표현했는지 학이 하늘로 날아가는 것 같아요.
It is described so livelily that I feel like the crane is flying into the sky.
구름의 모양에서는 신비로운 분위기가 느껴지네요.
I can feel a mysterious atmosphere from the shape of the cloud.

어찌나 V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to emphasize the degree of the content of the antecedent clause. You use exaggerated expressions in the following clause.

You should use ‘-는지’ after the stem of an action verb. If the stem of a descriptive verb ends with a consonant, you use ‘-은지’. If it ends with a vowel, you use ‘-ㄴ지’.

빨래가 어찌나은지 바구니 위에 산처럼 쌓여 있어요.
There’s so much laundry that it’s piled up like a mountain on a basket.

고향 친구가 어찌나 반가운지 만나자마자 눈물이 났어요.
I was so happy to meet my hometown friend that I cried right after I met him.

See also  V+ 기 바라다

리에 씨가 노래를 어찌나 잘하는지 진짜 가수 같아요.
I think Rie is a singer because she is so good at singing.

Related words
고려 Goryeo
시대 dynasty
고려청자 Goryeo celadon
학 crane
빛깔 color
조화 harmony
이루다 to harmonize
생동감 lively
신비롭다 to be mysterious

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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