안 V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 데가 없을 정도로

V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 데가 없을 정도로

It is attached to the stem of an action verb or descriptive verb to mean ‘to the extent that all will be/does so’. It’s used to emphasize the following clause.

베이킹소다는 집안 곳곳에서 쓰이는 데가 없을 정도로 다양하게 활용되고 있다.
Baking soda is being widely used and there is no place that it isn’t used all over the house.

픈 데가 없을 정도로 일을 했다는 건 그만큼 열심히 일을 했다는 거겠지.
If you got sick every part of your body should mean that you have worked that hard.

제 친구는 전국에 본 데가 없을 정도로 여행을 다닌 국내여행 전문가예요.
My friend is an expert on domestic travel and there’s no place in the country that he has never been.


저 제품이 드라마에도 나오네.
That product is even on Drama.

응, 요즘 텔레비전, 신문, 인터넷까지 나오는 데가 없을 정도로 광고가 많이 나오더라.
Yes, I saw a lot of advertisements all around on TV, in newspapers, and even on the Internet.

드라마에서 주인공이 제품을 손에 들고 사용 방법까지 말하는 건 좀 과하지 않아?
Don’t you think it’s a little bit too much for the main character in the drama to hold the product in his hands and even talk about how to use it?

저런 간접 광고는 노출효과를 노리는 거야. 자주 보면 익숙해지고 없던 관심도 생기니까.
That kind of indirect advertisement is for exposure effects. If you watch it often, you get used to it and get interested.

See also  V+ 었다/았다/였다 하면

드라마 몰입에 방해도 되고 상품에 대해 부정적인 생각만 들어.
It’s a distraction from the drama and I only get negative about the product.

하지만 실제로 같은 물건을 여러 번 볼수록 관심이나 호감도가 커진다는 연구 결과가 있대.
But I heard studies have shown that the more you see the same thing, the greater your interest and affinity.

Related words
간접 광고 indirect advertisement
It means a commercial that promotes a product to the audience unconsciously by exposing the brand name, image, or name of a sponsor, etc. in a movie or drama.
노출효과 exposure effect
It means a phenomenon that becomes more favorable as one meets another. This theory applies to product advertising, not just relationships with people, that it is frequently exposed to consumers, making the product familiar.
몰입 be immersed in
방해 distraction
부정적 negative
호감도 affinity

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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