V+ 은/ㄴ 것 같다 Express uncertainty concerning a certain act that the speaker believes has completed.

V+ 은/ㄴ 것 같다

It is used to express uncertainty concerning a certain act that the speaker believes has been completed.
어제 그 사람이 제 뒷자리에 앉은 것 같아요.
It seems he sat in the backseat behind me yesterday.
어젯밤에 비가 온 것 같아요.
It seems it rained last night.
에어컨이 고장 난 것 같습니다.
It seems the air conditioner is out of order.
서연 씨는 대학생 때 뭘 전공했어요?
What did Ms. Seoyon major in when she was in college?
서연 씨는 영문학을 전공한 것 같아요.
It seems that Ms. Seoyon majored in English literature.
스티브 씨와 잘 맞네요. 스티브 씨도 문학을 좋아하지요?
She is a good match for you, Mr. Steve. Mr. Steve, don’t you like literature, too?
좋아하지만 잘 몰라요.
Yes, I like it but I don’t know much about it.
Related words
전공하다 to major in
영문학 English literature
맞다 to be a good match with
문학 literature
뒷자리 a backseat
어젯밤 last night


See also  V+ 을/ㄹ 걸 괜히 V+ 었다/았다/였다

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