N 중에서 ___ 제일 ___ Indicate the best or the worst quality in the category of nouns.


N 중에서 ___ 제일 ___

It is used to indicate the best or the worst quality in the category of nouns.
가수 중에서 그 가수가 노래를 제일 잘합니다.
Among all the singers, that singer sings best.
제 남동생은 운동 중에서 농구를 제일 좋아해요.
My younger brother likes basketball best among sports.
한식 중에서 무슨 음식을 제일 잘 만들어요?
What kind of food do you make best among Korean foods?
집안일이 많아요?
Do you have a lot of household chores?
아니요, 혼자 살아서 많지 않아요. 그런데 좀 귀찮아요.
No, I don’t have that many household chores as I live alone. But they are bothersome though.
집안일 중에서 뭐가 제일 귀찮아요?
Among household chores, what is the most bothersome?
쓰레기를 버리는 일이 제일 귀찮아요.
Throwing out the garbage is the most bothersome.
Related words
집안일 a household chore
귀찮다 to be bothersome
버리다 to throw out
농구 basketball


See also  V+ 지 그랬어요?


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