N인 것 같다 Express uncertainty concerning the noun.


N인 것 같다

It is used to express uncertainty concerning the noun.
누가 범인인 것 같아요?
Who seems to be the criminal?
그 여자의 나이가 스물다섯 살인 것 같아요.
Her age seems to be twenty-five.
흐엉 씨, 서연 씨의 취미가 뭐예요?
Ms. Huong, what is Ms. Seoyon’s hobby?
영화 감상인 것 같아요. 서연 씨는 영화를 자주 보러 가요.
It seems to be watching movies. Ms. Seoyon often goes to watch movies.
저와 취미가 같네요.
I have the same hobby.
스티브 씨도 영화를 좋아하세요? 몰랐어요.
Does Mr. Steve like movies? I didn’t know.
Related words
취미 a hobby
감상 watching, appreciating
같다 to be the same
범인 a criminal
여자 a woman
나이 an age
바람둥이 a womanizer

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