V+ 어/아/여 주다 It is used to do something for others.

V+ 어/아/여 주다

It is used to do something for others.
제 남동생이 볶음밥을 먹고 싶어 해서 만들어 주려고 해요.
I am going to cook fried rice for my younger brother because he wants to eat it.
친구가 돈이 없어서 제가 친구에게 밥을 사 줬어요.
I bought a meal for my friend because he had no money.
오늘은 제가 피곤하니까 설거지 좀 해 주세요.
Please wash the dishes for me because I am so tired today.
아까 가수 김성진 씨를 만났는데 제 손바닥에 사인을 해 줬어요.
I met a singer, Mr. Sungjin Kim, a little while ago. He signed his signature on my palm.
정말요? 보여 주세요.
Really? Show it to me.
이거 보세요. 저는 손을 안 씻을 거예요.
Look at this. I am not going to wash my hands.
그게 그렇게 소중해요?
Is it that precious?
Related words
아까 a while ago
손바닥 a palm
사인을 하다 to sign
보이다 to show
그게 it (It is the short form for ‘그것이’.)
please (It is used to kindly ask a favor. Usually ‘을/를’ is omitted in front of ‘좀’.)

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