안 V+ (으)려고 해요. Express an intention not to do something when the subject is the first person

V+ (으)려고 해요.

It is used to express an intention not to do something when the subject is the first person. It is the short form for ‘V+ 지 않으려고 해요’.
저는 밤에 잠이 안 와서 저녁에는 커피를 마시려고 해요.
I can’t sleep at night, so I am not going to drink coffee in the evening.
우리는 필요하지 않은 물건은 려고 해요.
We are not going to buy stuff we don’t need.
흐엉 씨도 이번 여행 같이 가지요?
Is Ms. Huong going on a trip together?
글쎄요. 저는 려고 해요.
Well, I am not going though.
정말요? 왜요?
Really? Why?
가고 싶지만 할 일이 너무 많아요.
I want to go, but I have too much work to do.
Related words
a heel
높다 to be high
신다 to put on, to wear (It is used to put on shoes or socks.)
잠이 오다 to sleep

See also  N에서⁴ __ 제일 __ Indicate the best or the worst quality in the entire group or a whole range of nouns.

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