V/A+ 었/았/였어요. Indicate that the condition has already occurred

V/A+ 었/았/였어요.

It is used to indicate that the condition has already occurred. 
When the verb stem ends in a ‘-하다’, use ‘-였어요’, and when the verb stem ends in a ‘ㅏ,ㅑ,ㅗ’, use ‘-았어요’. When the verb stem ends in other vowels, use ‘-었어요’.

When the noun ends in a vowel, use ‘였어요’, and when the noun ends in a consonant, use ‘이었어요.’ ‘-었습니다/았습니다/였습니다’, ‘이었습니다/였습니다’ are the formal expressions.
오늘 날씨가 추워요. 그래서 옷을 많이 입었어요.
It was cold today, so I wore a lot of clothes.
어제 배가 아팠어요. 그래서 잠을 못 잤어요.
I had a stomach ache yesterday, so I couldn’t sleep well.
지난 주말에 꽃구경을 했어요.
I looked around flowers last weekend.
회의 자료를 다 만들었습니까?
Have you finished preparing the material for the meeting?
네, 다 만들었습니다.
Yes, I have finished preparing the material.
복사도 했습니까?
Have you made copies?
네, 벌써 다 했습니다.
Yes, I have.
Related words
  • 다: all; everything
  • 만들다 to make, to finish, to work
  • 복사 copying
  • 입다 to wear
  • 어제 yesterday
  • sleep
  • 지난 주말 Last weekend
  • 꽃구경 looking around at flowers


See also  V/A+ 는데/은데/ㄴ데 어떻게 하지요?

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