N은/는 N이에요/예요?


N은/는 N이에요/예요?

It is the interrogative form of ‘N은/는 N이에요/예요’.

N is the noun. ‘은/는’ is used with a noun to denote the topic or theme of a sentence. When the noun ends in a consonant, use ‘-은’, and when the noun ends in a vowel, use ‘-는’.

‘N이에요/예요’ is attached to the end of a noun to make the noun function like a verb in regular conversation. When the noun ends in a consonant, use ‘이에요’, and when the noun ends in a vowel, use ‘예요’.

저것 볼펜이에요? Is that a pen?

우빈 씨 누구예요? Who is Mr. Woobin?

스티브 씨 의사예요? Is Mr. Steve a doctor?
유양 씨 중국 사람이에요? Ms. Yooyang, are you Chinese?
네, 저는 중국 사람이에요. Yes, I am Chinese.
학생이에요? Are you a student?
네, 학생이에요. Yes, I am a student.
중국 사람 (a) Chinese
학생 a student
저것 that
볼펜 a pen (a ballpoint pen)
누구 who
의사 a doctor
Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

See also  V+ 었/았/였던데요.


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