못 믿을 바닥 분수대, 바라만 보세요 Can’t trust the (cleanness of) water fountains; Just look at them.

못 믿을 바닥 분수대, 바라만 보세요 
Can’t trust the (cleanness of) water fountains; Just look at them.

여름철 어린이들의 놀이 장소와 휴식 공간으로 인기있는 바닥 분수와 인공 폭포 등의 수질 관리가 부실한 것으로 나타났습니다. 환경부는 전국 지방자치단체가 운영하는 물놀이형 수경 시설의 지난해 수질 관리 실태를 조사한 결과, 총 804곳 중 5.1%가 수질 기준을 초과했다고 밝혔습니다. 검사 횟수가 부족한 곳은 116곳였으며 수질 검사를 아예 하지 않은 곳도 25곳이나 있었습니다. 과태료나 벌금 등의 행정 제재 법규가 미비하고 대부분의 시설을 지자체가 자체 점검하는 탓에, 인력·비용 부족 등을 이유로 부실 점검이 이뤄지는 경우도 많습니다. 이영기 환경부 과장은 ” 부실 관리에 대한 행정 제재를 강화하는 내용의 법 개정을 추진하고, 지난달 지자체와 함께 시작한 합동 점검을 8월까지 지속하겠다”고 말했습니다.

It turns out that the water quality management of floor fountains and artificial waterfalls, which are popular as children’s play spots and resting places in the summertime, is not good. The Ministry of Environment announced that as a result of investigating the conditions of water quality management last year in waterscape facilities for playing in the water that is run by local autonomous entities throughout the country, 5.1% out of a total of 804 places (negatively) exceeded the water quality standards. There were 116 places where the number of inspections was not enough, and there were as many as 25 places where water quality inspection was never done. Due to the fact that there aren’t enough laws for administrative restrictions, such as fines or penalties, and most facilities are inspected by local autonomous entities themselves, there are also many cases where the inspections are done poorly due to the lack of manpower and budget. Manager Yeong-gi Lee at the Ministry of Environment said “We will push forward with the amendment of laws that reinforce administrative restriction on poor management, and continue the joint inspections that we started last month with local autonomous entities until August.”

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Study Notes
못 믿을 바닥 분수대, 바라만 보세요
= Can’t trust the (cleanness of) water fountains; Just look at them.
•믿다 to believe, to trust
•바닥 floor
•분수대 fountain
•바라보다 to look at

여름철 어린이들의 놀이 장소와 휴식 공간으로 인기있는 바닥 분수와 인공 폭포 등의 수질 관리가 부실한 것으로 나타났습니다.
= It turns out that the water quality management of floor fountains and artificial waterfalls, which are popular as children’s play spots and resting places in the summertime, is not good.
•여름철 summertime
•놀이 playing
•장소 place
•휴식 rest
•공간 space, place
•인기있다 to be popular
•인공 artificial
•폭포 waterfall
•수질 water quality
•관리 management
•부실하다 to be poor

환경부는 전국 지방자치단체가 운영하는 물놀이형 수경 시설의 지난해 수질 관리 실태를 조사한 결과, 총 804곳 중 5.1%가 수질 기준을 초과했다고 밝혔습니다.
= The Ministry of Environment announced that as a result of investigating the conditions of water quality management last year in waterscape facilities for playing in the water that is run by local autonomous entities throughout the country, 5.1% out of a total of 804 places (negatively) exceeded the water quality standards.
•환경부 the Ministry of Environment
•전국 whole country, all parts of the country
•지방자치단체 local autonomous entity
•운영하다 to manage, to run
•-형 type
•수경 waterscape
•시설 facility
•조사하다 to investigate
•결과 result
•총 total
•곳 place
•기준 standard
•초과하다 to exceed

검사 횟수가 부족한 곳은 116곳였으며 수질 검사를 아예 하지 않은 곳도 25곳이나 있었습니다.
= There were 116 places where the number of inspections was not enough, and there were as many as 25 places where water quality inspection was never done.
•횟수 number of times
•부족하다 to be insufficient, to be not enough
•아예 completely

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과태료나 벌금 등의 행정 제재 법규가 미비하고 대부분의 시설을 지자체가 자체 점검하는 탓에,인력·비용 부족 등을 이유로 부실 점검이 이뤄지는 경우도 많습니다.
= Due to the fact that there aren’t enough laws for administrative restrictions, such as fines or penalties, and most facilities are inspected by local autonomous entities themselves, there are also many cases where the inspections are done poorly due to the lack of manpower and budget.
•과태료 fine, penalty
•벌금 fine, penalty
•행정 government, administration
•제재 restriction
•법규 regulation, law
•미비하다 to incomplete/inadequate
•대부분 mostly
•자체 self, own
•점검하다 to check, to inspect
•탓 due to
•인력 manpower
•비용 expense, cost
•이유 reason
•이뤄지다 to be done, to happen
•경우 case

이영기 환경부 과장은 “부실 관리에 대한 행정 제재를 강화하는 내용의 법 개정을 추진하고, 지난 달 지자체와 함께 시작한 합동 점검을 8월까지 지속하겠다”고 말했습니다.
= Manager Yeong-gi Lee at the Ministry of Environment said “We will push forward with the amendment of laws that reinforce administrative restriction on poor management, and continue the joint inspections that we started last month with local autonomous entities until August.”
•강화하다 to strengthen
•법 law
•개정 amendment, revision
•추진하다 to push ahead with
•합동 cooperation, joint
•지속하다 to maintain

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