V+ 지 그래요? Suggest or recommend something that has not been done by the listener

기분이 안 좋은 것 같아요. 무슨 일 있어요?
You look down. What happened?
제가 잘못을 해서 요즘 여자 친구와 사이가 나빠졌어요.
It was my fault, so I am not in a good relationship with my girlfriend these days.
무슨 잘못을 했는데요?
What was your fault?
며칠 전에 여자 친구 생일이었는데 제가 바빠서 선물 준비를 못 했어요.
It was my girlfriend’s birthday a few days ago, but I couldn’t prepare any present for her because I was busy.
지금이라도 선물하지 그래요?
Why don’t you give her a present even now?
생일이 지났는데 지금 선물을 줘도 괜찮을까요?
Would it be OK if I give her a present though her birthday is over?

V+ 지 그래요?
It is used to suggest or recommend something that has not been done by the listener.

동창 소식이 궁금하면 먼저 연락하지 그래요?
Why don’t you first contact if you are curious about your alumni?

배부르면 음식을 남기지 그래요?
Why don’t you leave some food if your stomach is full?

그렇게 걱정하지 말고 병원에서 검사를 받아 보지 그래요?
Why don’t you get an examination at the hospital instead of being worried like that?

Related words
잘못 a fault
며칠 a few days
지나다 to be over
동창 an alumnus
궁금하다 to be curious about
검사를 받다 to get an examination

See also  V+ 지 않을래요? Euphemistically ask the listener's intention or opinion about something

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