[Basic Korean Grammar] Verb/ Adj + ㅂ니다/습니다: The present tense of the formal polite style in Korean


Good evening.
9시 뉴스입니다.
This is the 9 o’clock news.

질문 있습니까?
Do you have any questions?

A: 이것을 어떻게 생각합니까?
What’s your opinion of this?
B: 좋습니다.
I think it’s good.

Usage: The present tense of the formal polite style in Korean is made by adding ㅂ니다 or 습니다. It is used mainly in formal or public situations such as in the military, news broadcasts, presentations, meetings, and lectures.

A 학교에 갑니까? Are you going to school?
B 네, 학교에 갑니다. Yes, I’m going to school.

A 아침을 먹습니까? Do you eat breakfast?
B 네, 먹습니다. Yes, I eat breakfast.

A 운동을 합니까? Do you exercise?
B 네, 운동을 합니다. Yes, I exercise.

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See also  [Korean grammar] A/V-(으)면 Conditions and Suppositions

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