N 중에서 ___ 제일 ___ Indicate the best or the worst quality in the category of nouns.
N 중에서 ___ 제일 ___ It is used to indicate the best or the worst quality in the category of nouns. 가수 중에서 그 가수가 노래를 제일 잘합니다. Among all the singers, that singer...
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N 중에서 ___ 제일 ___ It is used to indicate the best or the worst quality in the category of nouns. 가수 중에서 그 가수가 노래를 제일 잘합니다. Among all the singers, that singer...
N에서⁴ __ 제일 __ It is used to indicate the best or the worst quality in the entire group or a whole range of nouns. Use ‘에서’, not ‘중에서’. 저는...
V+ 고 있다² It is used to indicate the completed status of an action still continues to the present time. See more: V+ 고 있다¹ Indicate that a certain action...
V+ 고 계시다 It is a subject honorific expression for ‘V+ 고 있다’. 아버지께서 뭘 읽고 계세요? What is my father reading? 할머니께서 까만 모자를 쓰고 계세요. My grandmother is...
V/A+ 지 않고 It is used to negate the contents in the preceding clause but, instead, to list the contents of the latter clause. The short form is ‘안 V/A...
V+ 고³ It is used to indicate that the action in the latter clause takes place while maintaining the completed action of the preceding clause. 저는 옷을 입고 바닷물에 들어갔어요....
V+ (으)려고 했어요. It is used to indicate the speaker had an intention to do something in the past. 배가 고파서 먼저 밥을 먹으려고 했어요. I was going to eat...
V+ 고 있다¹ It is used to indicate that a certain action is progressive and ongoing. See more: V+ 고 있다² Indicate the completed status of action still continues to...
V+ 어/아/여 드릴게요. It is used to indicate the speaker’s promises that the speaker would do something for the listener with respect. 제가 자리를 바꿔 드릴게요. I’ll change the seat....
V+ 어/아/여 드릴까요? It is used to politely ask the listener’s intention or opinion about the action the speaker would do for the listener. 에어컨을 켜 드릴까요? Do you want...
V+ 어/아/여 줄 수 있어요? It is used to ask if it is possible for the listener to do something for the speaker. 저에게 영어를 가르쳐 줄 수 있어요? Can...
V+ 어/아/여 주셔서 고맙습니다(감사합니다). It is used to express the speaker’s appreciation for the way the listener has done for the speaker. 신경을 써 주셔서 고맙습니다. Thank you for being...
V+ 어/아/여 주다 It is used to do something for others. 제 남동생이 볶음밥을 먹고 싶어 해서 만들어 주려고 해요. I am going to cook fried rice for my younger...
V+ 어/아/여 주시겠어요? It is used to ask politely if the listener is willing to do something for the speaker. 제 가방 좀 들어 주시겠어요? Would you please hold my...
V+ 었/았/였는데 It is used to give a more detailed explanation about the act in the preceding clause that was done in the past. 저는 베트남 음식을 처음 먹었는데 맛있었어요....
V+ 는데 It is used to add a more detailed explanation in the latter clause about the act in the preceding clause. 제가 가끔 학교 앞에 있는 식당에서 점심을 먹는데...
V/A+ 었/았/였을 때 It is used to indicate the event in the latter clause occurs when the event in the preceding clause is completed. 감기에 걸렸을 때 따뜻한 차를 드세요....
N인데¹ It is used to first introduce or present the noun in the preceding and then add an explanation in the latter clause about the preceding noun. 여기는 제가 자주...
안 V+ (으)려고 해요. It is used to express an intention not to do something when the subject is the first person. It is the short form for ‘V+ 지...
V+ (으)려고 해요. It is used to express a plan or intention to do a certain action of the first person subject. When the active verb stem ends in a...