[[KIIP Level 5] Lesson 15: 한국의 종교 Religion in Korea

 <Page 71> 옛날 사람들은 무엇을 믿었을까? 

무속: shamanist custom
신앙: faith; religious belief
예로부터: from old times
신령: god; deity
길흉화복: fortunes
정하다: to decide, to define
무당: shaman; medium (a person whose job it is to tell fortunes and hold gut, exorcisms, serving a spirit or spirits).
굿: exorcism (a ritual in which a shaman prepares food, sings, dances, and prays to the spirits to grant good luck or to expel bad luck).
묻다: to ask; to inquire
-곤 하다: An expression used to indicate that the same situation repeats.
궁금하다: curious; anxious; concerned
찾아가다: to go visiting
점을 치다: to tell sb’s fortune
신: god; deity
연결하다: to connect
존재: existence, presence
더라도: Click here
일상생활: everyday life; daily life
행운: luck; fortune
빌다: to pray; to wish
점을 보다: fortune telling
역시: also; as well; as one expected; as expected
신성하다: holy
기운: force; spirit; energy
마을 입구: village entrance
지키다: to guard; to defend
시골: rural area; countryside
제사: ancestral rite
빌다: to pray; to wish
장승: village guardian (a stone or wooden post with a human face engraved on it that is erected at the entrance of a village or a roadside).
솟대 : (archaic) A pole with a wooden bird on top set up at the village entrance as a guardian deity to protect a village or the symbol of the village’s boundary.
인식되다: to be recognized; to be perceived
기둥: pillar; column; post
길을 알려주다: to let sb know the way.
뿐 아니라: Click here
막대기: stick; rod
돌로 만든 새: A bird made of stone
올려놓다: to put on
행운: luck; fortune
세우다: to pick up; to raise up; to make something stand



See also  [KIIP level 5] Lesson 17. 한국의 여러 가지 의례

성주: The lord of a castle.
다스리다: to manage
부자: the rich; the wealthy
삼신: According to Korean folklore, the goddess who allows a woman to have a baby.
안방: inner room; master bedroom; women’s quarters (the room of a house where its hostess stays)
상대적: being relative
빌다: to pray; to wish
차리다: to prepare
집터: housing site

<Page 72> 오늘날 한국에는 어떤 종교들이 있을까?


불교: Buddhism
기독교: Christianity; the Christian religion
유교: Confucianism
원불교: Won Buddhism
천도교: Click here
이슬람교: Islam
인정하다: to recognize; to concede

로서: A postpositional particle that indicates a status, position, or qualification.
절반: half
세기: century
무렵: around; about
전파되다: to be spread; to be disseminated
외래: being foreign; being alien
만큼: click here
문화유산: cultural heritage
남기다: to leave
불상: Buddhist image; Buddhist statue
탑: tower
문화재: cultural asset; cultural property
지정되다: to be designated
삼국시대: click here
고려: The country founded in 918 by Wang Geon after he united the Later Three Kingdoms; its capital was Gaeseong and Buddhist culture and Confucianism flourished; in 1392, it was brought down by Yi Seonggye, the founding father of the Joseon Dynasty
자리를 잡다: to take a seat
통치: rule; reign; government
이념: ideology
채택되다: to be selected; to be chosen
영향을 끼치다: to cause influence
웃어른: elders; senior
예의: courtesy; manners
결속: solidarity; banding together
가르침: teaching; lesson
자연스럽다: natural, unaffected
따르다: to follow; to obey; to conform to
가치관: values
인식되다: to be recognized; to be perceived
제사를 지내다: to perform ancestral rites
가톨릭: Catholic
개신교: Protestantism
서양: Occident
신분: status; rank; position
평등: equality
주장하다: to assert; to claim
제사: ancestral rite
강조하다: emphasize; stress
억압: suppression; oppression
선교사: missionary
설립하다: to establish; to found
널리 알려지다: to be widely known
고유: uniqueness
신도: believer; a devotee
확보하다: to secure; retain; reserve
이슬람 사원: Islam temples

더 배우기 


See also  [KIIP level 5] Lesson 6: 한국의 복지체계 Korea's welfare system

고사: praying ritual; shamanistic ritual
올리다: to increase; to raise
운 : fate; destiny/ luck
없어지다: to be gone; to disappear
행운: luck; fortune
제사 : ancestral rite
소원 : wish; hope
역할 : role; part
새끼 : cub
절 : prostration bow
큰돈을 벌다: to rake in the money
성공하다: succeed

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