Section 1: 한국의 가족은 어떤 특징을 띠고 있을까?
전후: front and rear, being around
연령대: age group
이루어지다: to be done; to be formed
최근 : the latest; the most recent
점점: gradually
대체로 : roughly, mostly, mainly
자녀: child
낳다: to give birth
독립하다: to be independent
제외하다: to exclude
일반적: being general; being popular; being universal
키우다: to grow; to raise
흔히: often; commonly; usually
물론 : of course
반드시: without fail; certainly
형태: form; shape; type
산업화: industrialization
진행되다: to progress
떨어지다: to fall; to drop; to be away from; to be off from; to be apart from
서로: each other; one another; altogether
간섭하다: to interfere; to meddle
부담: burden; obligation
줄어들다: to diminish
대신: substitute, replace
미혼: being single; being unmarried
젊다: young
미루다: to delay; to put off; to postpone
홀로: alone; by oneself’
그래프: graph
조사: survey; investigation
추정하다: to estimate; to assume
가구: household
유형: type
-별: A suffix used to mean “according to something.”
기준: standard; basis; criterion
구성원: member
미치다: to reach; to influence; to affect
예측되다: to be predicted
비율: ratio; proportion
Section 2: 한국의 가족과 친족은 서로를 어떻게 부를까?
간 : between; among
각각: each; every single; every
시부모 : parents-in-law
며느리: daughter-in-law
사위 : son-in-law
친척: relative
촌수 : degree of kinship (the degree showing how close or far one’s relative is, or such a relationship)
표시하다: to express; to state; to indicate
동일하다: being the same; identical
형제자매 : sibling
대신: substitute
친밀하다: close; intimate