[KIIP level 5] Lesson 1: 한국의 상징 Korea’s symbol

Section 1:

· 상징: symbol; emblem
· 정식: being full; being official
· 구별하다: to distinguish; to discriminate
· 명칭: name; title
· 바탕: foundation; basis
· 문양: pattern; design
· 중앙: middle; being central
· 모서리: edge; corner
· 괘: trigram from the Book of Changes (The sixty-four characters in Oriental philosophy which symbolize yin and yang in the form of harmonized lines)
· 밝다: to be light
· 순수: purity
· 평화: peace
· 존귀: being valuable; being precious
· 희망: hope
· 나타내다: to express, to show, to appear
· 우주: the universe
· 각각: each; every single
· 자연: nature
· 조화: getting along with; going with
· 강조하다: to emphasize; to stress
· 고려하다: to consider
· 국경일: National holiday
· 창가: window (an area immediately behind a window)
· 상징하다: to symbolize
· 구성: composition, formation
· 구성되다: to be formed
· 제외하다: to exclude

>> Listening (Lesson 1 – Section 1): Click here

1절 : 동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록 하느님이 보우하사 우리나라 만세
2절 : 남산 위에 저 소나무 철갑을 두른 듯 바람서리 불변함은 우리 기상일세
3절 : 가을 하늘 공활한데 높고 구름 없이 밝은 달은 우리 가슴 일편단심일세
4절 : 이 기상과 이 맘으로 충성을 다하여 괴로우나 즐거우나 나라 사랑하세
후렴(각 절마다) : 무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세
English translation
1절: Until that day when Mt. Baekdu is worn away and the East Sea’s waters run dry, May God protect and preserve our country!
2절: As the pine atop Namsan Peak stands firm, unchanged through wind and frost, as if wrapped in armour, so shall our resilient spirit.
3절: The autumn skies are void and vast, high and cloudless; the bright moon is like our heart, undivided and true.
4절 : With this spirit and this mind, let us give all loyalty, in suffering or joy, to love our nation.
Chorus: ‘Mugunghwa’ and three thousand ‘ri’ full of splendid mountains and rivers; Great Koreans, to the Great Korean way, stay always true!

Section 2:


· 영원히: eternally; everlastingly; forever
· 담기다: to be be put into; to be incorporated
· 실제로: actually
· 송이: bunch; cluster
· 상징하다: to
· 잎: leaf; petal
· 활짝: in full bloom, completely; thoroughly
· 정부: government
· 창제하다: to invent; to create
· 문장: crest (a picture or sign that symbolizes a country, organization, family, etc.)
· 활용: use; utilization
· 이루다: to form; to make
· 요소: element; component; factor; requisite
· 비교적: relatively; rather; being comparative
· 이후: later time; the future
· 문맹: illiteracy
· 줄어들다: to diminish
· 발전시키다: to progress; to develop
· 성과: result; outcome; product
· 선정하다: to select; to choose
· 상: prize; reward
· 정하다: to decide

>> Listening (Lesson 1 – Section 2): Click here

국기를 다는 날:

3월 1일 (삼일절) : 일제 강점기 중 1919년에 일으킨 독립만세 운동을 기념한 날
6월 6일 (현충일) : 국가를 위해 자신의 목숨을 바친 순국선열을 기념하는 날 (조기)
7월 17일 (제헌절) : 1948년 최초의 헌법이 제정된 날을 기념한 날
8월 15일 (광복절) : 1945년 일본 식민지에서 벗어나 독립을 맞이한 것을 기념한 날
10월 3일 (개천절) : 한반도에 민족의 시조가 국가를 만든 것을 기념한 날
10월 9일 (한글날) : 세종대왕이 한글을 만든 것을 기념한 날
– (March 1st) 삼일절: Independence Movement Day: A national holiday that commemorates the March 1st Movement, or the independence movement, which occurred on March 1, 1919 as resistance to Japanese colonial rule; it is observed on March 1 every year.
– (June 6th) 현충일: Memorial Day: A day designated in Korea to commemorate the soldiers and police officers, etc., who died for their country; it falls on June 6.
– (July 17th) 제헌절: Constitution Day: A national holiday on July 17th commemorating the founding of the Korean Constitution.

– (August 15th) 광복절: National Liberation Day; Independence Day of Korea: The national holiday, August 15th, to commemorate the independence of Korea, ending the era of Japanese colonization; it also commemorates the establishment of the government of the Republic of Korea.

– (October 3rd) 개천절: Foundation Day of Korea: The third of October, the national holiday to commemorate the foundation of the Gojoseon Kingdom, the first country that existed on the Korean Peninsula, by Dangun.
– (October 9th) 한글날: Hangeul Day: A national holiday on October 9th, commemorating King Sejong’s invention and popularization of Huminjeong-eum, the Korean alphabet.

See also  [KIIP lớp 5] Lesson 16. 한국의 주거 문화 Housing culture in Korea

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