•최소한: at least, at the (very) least, being the least
•닌간다운 삶: a decent human life
•누리다: to enjoy
•마련하다: to prepare; to arrange
•공공부조: public assistance/aid
•나누다: to divide; to split
•대비하다: to contrast; to prepare; to be ready
•상황: situation; condition
•겪다: to go through; to undergo
•건강보험: health insurance
•고용보험: employment insurance
•국민연금: national pension
•산업재해보상보험: industrial accident compensation insurance
•가지: kind (of), sort (of), variety (of)
•해고되다: to be fired; to be dismissed
•일정: being fixed; being regular
•금전적: financial, monetary
•보상받다: to be compensated
•지방자치단체: local autonomous entity
•정책: policy
•의료: medical care; medical service; medical treatment
•급여: wages
•소득: income; earning; profit; gain
•최저생계비: the minimum cost of living
•저소득층: low-income bracket, lower-income group
•어려움: difficulty, trouble
•실제적: practical
•전문적: professional
•청소년: teenager
•한부모가정복지: single-parent family welfare
•상담: consultation; counseling
•재활: getting one’s life back
•직업 훈련: vocational training
명칭: name; title; term of address
설립목적: purpose of establishment
노령: old age
질병: illness
부상: injury
으로써: (수단) with, by, by means of, through, using, (재료) with, of, out of
이바지하다: to contribute to; to make a contribution to; to conduce to
증진: enhancement; increase
근로자: worker
창업: founding
촉진: acceleration; quickening
업무상 재해를 입다: to suffer from job injury or illness.
<Page 36> SECTION 2: 외국인 대상 복지 서비스에는 무엇이 있을까?
•원칙적: sticking to a rule; sticking to principles
•적용되다: to be applied
•일정하다: constant, certain, regular; systematic; orderly
•해당하다: to correspond to; to be equivalent to; to be tantamount to
•혜택: benefit; advantage
•미성년: minority
•자녀: child
•최저생계비지원: minimum cost of living
•앞두다: to have something ahead
•산모: woman after childbirth; mother
•학업: learning; studies
해 제공하는 민원안내 창구의역할을 한다.
또한 여성가족부에서는 결혼이민자 등에게 한국 생활 적응을 돕기 위해 13개 언어로 각종 생활 안내와 정보서비스를 제공하는 다누리콜센터 (1577-1366)를 운영하고 있다.
아울러 폭력피해여성을위한 이주여성긴급지원센터도 24 시간 운영하고 있다.
법무부: Ministry of Justice
운영하다: to manage; operate; run
여성가족부: Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
아울러: also; besides; both
이주여성긴급지원센터 : Migrant Women Emergency Support Center