N에다가 Indicate something has been added to a space or a thing


여보세요? 택배인데요. 지금 집에 안 계세요?
Hello? This is a courier service. Aren’t you home now?
네, 지금 밖에 있는데요.
No, I am outside right now.
그럼 문 앞에다가 두고 갈까요?
Then, shall I leave the package in front of your door?
아니요, 기사님. 물건을 경비실에다가 맡겨 주세요.
No, Mr. Service Man. Please leave the package at the janitor’s office.
네, 그럼 경비실에다가 맡기겠습니다.
Yes, I will leave it at the janitor’s office then.
고맙습니다. 이따가 찾아갈게요.
Thank you. I will pick it up later.

It is used to indicate something has been added to a space or a thing. It can only be followed by a transitive verb that has an object. ‘에다’ can be used in regular conversation.

에다가 소금을 더 넣으세요.
Put some more salt in the soup.

에다가 이 그림을 걸어 주세요.
Please hang this picture on the wall.

제 남동생이 봉투에다가 이름을 썼어요.
My younger brother wrote a name on the envelope.

Related words
택배 a courier
두다 to leave, to place
기사 a serviceman
경비실 a janitor’s office
찾아가다 to pick up
벽 a wall
걸다 to hang
봉투 an envelope

See also  V+ 을까/ㄹ까 해요.


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