N이라서/라서 V/A+ 거든요.
It is used when the speaker gives an explanation about the information that he believes the listener doesn’t know about. To increase the reasonability of the explanation, ‘이라서/라서’ of the reason are used together.
For ‘이라서/라서’, if the noun ends with a consonant, you use ‘이라서’, with a vowel you use ‘라서’.’-거든요’ is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb.
사무실 공용 컴퓨터 바탕 화면에 있는 자료 폴더 삭제하지 마세요. 다음 주 회의에 필요한 거라서 따로 정리해 뒀거든요.
Do not delete the data folder on the desktop of your office’s public computer It’s for next week’s meeting, so I’ve arranged it separately.
여기에 있는 메모지를 못 보셨나요? 잊어버리면 안 되는 약속이라서 제가 거기에 메모해 놓았거든요.
Did you see the memo here? It’s a promise I shouldn’t forget, so I wrote it down there.
이거 정말 중요한 물건이라서 절대 잃어버리면 안 되거든요. 잘 부탁드립니다.
This is a very important item that I should never lose it. Please take good care of it.
안녕하세요? 아저씨. 이거 택배 기사님이 오시면 좀 전달해 주세요.
Hello? mister. Please hand this over when the courier comes.
택배 회사에 연락은 하셨어요?
Did you call the courier company?
네. 오전 중에 물건 받으러 오신대요. 경비실에 맡겨 놓는다고도 했어요.
Yes. He is coming to pick up the stuff in the morning. I also told him that I would leave this to the security office.
알겠습니다. 여기 두고 가세요.
Okay. Leave it here.
그런데 제가 교환을 하는 거라서 새 물건을 받아야 하거든요. 그것도 부탁드립니다.
And I should be getting a new product because I’m making an exchange. Please help me with that, too.
아, 반품하고 교환 물품도 받아야 한다는 거죠?
Oh, you mean I have to return the product and also get the replacement?
네. 번거롭게 해 드려서 죄송해요.
Yes, I’m sorry to bother you.
아니에요. 물건 보내고 택배 송장도 잘 챙겨 놓을게요.
It’s fine. I will hand over the package and also keep the invoice.
Related words
전달 handing out
물품 product
송장 invoice
삭제 elimination
Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute