V+ 고자 show the intention of the subject

V+ 고자

It is attached to the stem of an action verb to show the intention of the subject. It has a similar meaning to ‘-으려고/려고’, but it’s a more formal and written language style expression.

저는 오늘 시민 여러분들의 의견을 듣고자 이 자리에 섰습니다.
Today I’m here to listen to your comments.

그는 평생 모은 재산을 사회에 환원하고자 재단을 설립하기로 하였다.
He decided to set up a foundation to give back his lifetime savings to society.

본 연구에서는 새로운 가설을 입증하고자 다음과 같은 실험을 설계하였다.
The following experiments were designed to demonstrate a new hypothesis in this study.


3월 1일이 공휴일이네. 무슨 날이지?
It seems March 1st is a public holiday. What day is it?

그날은 삼일절이야. 1919년에 우리가 일본으로부터 독립하고자 만세 시위 운동을 했는데 그것을 기념하는 날이지.
It’s Independence Movement Day. In 1919, we held a rally to gain independence from Japan and it’s a day to celebrate it.

우리나라도 오랫동안 독립운동을 했었는데 비슷한 역사를 가졌구나.
Our country has also been doing the independence movement for a long time, it seems we have a similar history.

응, 그때 전국에서 사람들이 폭력을 쓰지 않고 태극기를 흔들면서 ‘대한 독립 만세’를 외쳤다고 해.
Yes, people all over the country shouted ‘Hurray for the independence of Korea’ while waving the national flag without using violence.

그렇구나. 왠지 인도의 비폭력 저항운동하고 비슷한 느낌이 들어.
I see. I feel like it’s similar to the nonviolent resistance movement in India.

맞아. 실제로 3.1운동은 인도와 중국, 베트남, 필리핀 등의 독립 운동에도 영향을 미쳤대.
That’s right. In fact, the March 1 Movement also affected independence movements in India, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

See also  V/A+ 지 않아요? Make sure about the information or the fact which the speaker's already knew to the listener

Related words
독립 independence
만세 hooray
시위운동 a protest movement, a demonstration
독립운동 independence movement
폭력 violence
태극기 Taegeukgi(Korean flag)
비폭력 nonviolence
저항운동 resistance movement

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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