V+ 기 나름이다

V+ 기 나름이다

It is attached to the stem of an action verb to show that the outcome of a behavior differs according to how one does the behavior.

시험에 합격하고 못하고는 네가 열심히 하기 나름이다.
Whether you pass the exam or not depends on your hard work.

물론 모든 일의 성공은 노력하기 나름이지만 사람의 운이라는 것도 무시할 수는 없다.
Of course, all success depends on effort, but we cannot ignore the fact that it’s also people’s luck.

일이 아무리 어렵다고 해도 배우기 나름이야. 열심히 배우면 분명 잘할 수 있을 거야.
No matter how hard the work is, it depends on how hard you learn. I’m sure you can do well if you learn hard.


나 저번에 본 인턴 면접 시험에서 떨어졌어.
I failed the intern interview test I had last time.

열심히 준비했는데…. 안타깝다!
I’ve been working hard on it…. That’s too bad!

아마 합격했으면 회사가 멀어서 다닐지 말지 고민했을 텐데 어떻게 보면 차라리 떨어진 게 나은 것 같기도 해.
If I had passed the exam, I would have thought about whether I should work there because the company is too far away. But in a way, I think it’s better I failed it.

그래? 자기합리화 같기는 한데 잘 생각했어. 생각하기 나름이지만 자기합리화라는 게 상처 받은 마음을 스스로 위로하는 방법일 수도 있거든.
Is that so? It sounds a bit like self-rationalization, but it’s good to think so. It depends on how you think, but self-rationalization may be a way to comfort your wounded mind.

문제를 근본적으로 해결하는 방법은 아니란 생각도 들어.
I also think it’s not a fundamental way to solve problems.

See also  V+ 으니까/니까

실망해서 의기소침해 있는 것보다는 나아. 더 좋은 기회가 올 테니까 열심히 준비하면서 기다리자.
It’s better than being disappointed and getting depressed. You will have a better chance, so let’s wait for it to get ready diligently.

Related words
자기합리화 self-rationalization
It means to justify what one has done to free oneself from guilt. Or such psychological tendencies.
스스로 by oneself
위로 comfort
근본적 fundamental
의기소침 upset, disappointment, depression

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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