V+ 기 위해서 Indicate the purpose or intention for doing something

이력서를 보니까 아르바이트를 많이 하셨네요. 이유가 있습니까?
I looked at your resume and I found out that you have done many part-time jobs. Is there any reason?
다양한 경험을 쌓기 위해서 아르바이트를 여러 가지 했습니다.
I did various kinds of part-time jobs to accumulate diverse experiences.
제일 힘든 아르바이트는 무엇이었습니까?
What was the most difficult part-time job?
편의점 야간 근무 아르바이트가 제일 힘들었습니다.
A part-time job working at convenience stores late at night was the most difficult one.
어떤 점이 힘들었습니까?
What was the difficult part?
낮과 밤이 바뀌어서 힘들었습니다. 그래도 여러 사람들을 대할 수 있어서 좋은 경험이었습니다.
It was difficult because the day and night got switched. But it was a good experience because I could meet different people.

V+ 기 위해서
It is used to indicate the purpose or intention for doing something. The short form is ‘V+ 기 위해’.

저는 보고서를 쓸 때 필요한 자료를 찾기 위해서 도서관에 가요.
When I write a report, I go to the library to look for materials that I need.

학생들이 한국말을 잘하기 위해서 날마다 연습해요.
Students practice every day to speak fluent Korean.

저는 배낭여행을 가기 위해서 돈을 모아요.
I am saving money to go on a backpacking trip.

Related words
이력서 a resume
이유 a reason
근무 working
낮 day
바뀌다 to get switched
대하다 to meet, to encounter
경험 experience

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

See also  V/A+ 고요. Add more contents to the preceding sentence.

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