V+ 기 Used to make action verbs nouns



It is used to make action verbs and nouns.
그 약은 작아서 먹기가 편해요.
Taking the pill is convenient because it is small.
회사에 다니면서 공부하기가 힘들어요.
Studying while working at the company is difficult.
제 동생은 책 읽기를 싫어해요.
My younger sibling dislikes reading books.
여가 시간에 보통 뭘 해?
What do you usually do in your free time?
난 시간이 나면 보통 여행을 해.
I go traveling when I have time.
나도 여행을 좋아하는데 시간을 내기가 쉽지 않네.
I like traveling, but finding time is not easy.
요즘 많이 바빠?
Are you very busy these days?
응, 회사에서 새 프로젝트를 시작해서 시간이 없어.
Yes, I don’t have much time because I started a new project at the company.
프로젝트가 끝나면 친구들이랑 여행 가자.
Let’s go traveling with our friends when the project is finished.
Related words
여가 free time
시간이 나다 to find time
쉽다 to be easy
프로젝트 a project
편하다 to be convenient, to be easy


See also  V/A+ 는데요/은데요/ㄴ데요. State a certain situation while expecting a response from the listener


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