V+ 는 것 같다 Express uncertainty concerning the present act.

V+ 는 것 같다

It is used to express uncertainty concerning the present act.
옆집에서 고기를 굽는 것 같아요. 냄새가 나요.
It seems our next-door neighbor is grilling meat. It smells.
흐엉 씨는 날마다 아침을 안 먹는 것 같아요.
It seems Ms. Huong skips breakfast every day.
우빈 씨는 부모님과 같이 사는 것 같아요.
It seems Mr. Woobin lives with his parents.
서연 씨도 스티브 씨를 좋아하는 것 같아요?
Do you think Ms. Seoyon also likes you, Mr. Steve?
글쎄요. 서연 씨는 저에게 별로 관심이 없는 것 같아요.
Well. It seems Ms. Seoyon is not interested in me that much
제가 서연 씨에게 한번 물어볼까요?
Shall I ask Ms. Seoyon?
네, 물어봐 주세요. 서연 씨의 마음을 알고 싶어요.
Yes, please. I want to know Ms. Seoyon’s mind.
Related words
관심 an interest
마음 a mind
옆집 a next-door neighbor
굽다 to grill, to bake
냄새가 나다 to smell
아침 a breakfast


See also  V/A+ 어/아/여서야 어디 V/A+ 겠어요?

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