V+ 으니까/니까

V+ 으니까/니까

It is used to indicate a realization of the fact in the latter clause after the event in the preceding clause takes place.
엄마가 되니까 엄마 마음을 이해할 수 있어요.
When I have become a mother, I can now understand my mother’s mind.
집에 가니까 아빠가 계셨어요.
When I went home, my dad was there.
이 음악을 들으니까 옛날 일이 생각났어요.
When I listen to this music, it reminds me of past events.
그 엽서는 뭐예요?
What is this postcard?
그림을 보러 시립 미술관에 가서 기념 엽서를 샀어요.
When I went to the city art gallery to see paintings, I bought a souvenir postcard.
지금 시립 미술관에서 무슨 전시회를 하고 있어요?
What exhibition is being held at the city art gallery now?
이탈리아 화가들의 그림을 전시하고 있어요. 전시회에 가 보니까 제가 아는 그림들도 많이 있었어요.
Paintings by Italian painters are in the exhibition. When I went to the exhibition, there were a lot of familiar paintings that I knew about.
저도 가 보고 싶어요. 복잡하지 않았어요?
I want to go there, too. Wasn’t it crowded?
저는 주말에 갔는데 사람이 정말 많았어요.
When I went there on the weekend, there were so many people.
Related words
엽서 a postcard
시립 미술관 a city art gallery
기념 엽서 a souvenir postcard
전시회 an exhibition
화가 a painter
전시하다 to exhibit
아빠 a dad
옛날 past


See also  N은/는 N이/가 있어요/없어요.

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