V+ 은/ㄴ 적이 있어요. Indicate the existence of past experience.

V+ 은/ㄴ 적이 있어요.

It is used to indicate the existence of past experience.
저는 길을 잃은 적이 있어요.
I have gotten lost before.
저는 기차를 놓친 적이 있어요.
I have missed a train before.
저는 병원에 입원한 적이 있어요.
I have been hospitalized before.
전주에 여행을 가는데 어디에서 묵으면 좋을까요?
I am planning to go to Jeonju. Where should I stay?
한옥은 어때요? 전에 한옥에서 묵은 적이 있어요.
How about a traditional Korean house? I have stayed at a traditional Korean house before.
그래요? 불편하지 않았어요?
Have you? Wasn’t it uncomfortable?
전혀 불편하지 않았어요. 아주 조용하고 방바닥이 따뜻해서 좋았어요.
No, it was not uncomfortable at all. It was nice because it was so quiet and the floor of the room was warm.
Related words
묵다 to stay
한옥 a traditional Korean house
불편하다 to be uncomfortable
전혀 not at all
조용하다 to be quiet
방바닥 a floor of a room
길을 잃다 to get lost
놓치다 to miss
입원하다 to be hospitalized

See also  V+다 보면 V/A+ 을/ㄹ 수도 있다

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